Your Bombshell Teachers
We teach the classical method of Pilates with humor, empathy, and expert guidance. We’ll help you find strength through the focus and control. You’ll work deeply from your powerhouse with precision and concentration, executing each movement to the best of your ability. With our Bombshell Teachers, you’ll find a deeper and more connected Pilates practice, and we’ll train you to handle all that life throws at you. Our Pilates practice integrates all the systems of the body to move with ease and grace through your every day life.
Kelly Korn
Senior Pilates Instructor / Owner
Chelsea and Gramercy
Kelly will focus on your goals and extract what you need out of the method.
Meg Young
Pro Pilates Instructor
Meg brings her love for the authentic classical method to her teaching, combining conscientious technique, attention to detail, and joy through movement.
Camilo Gomez
Pro Pilates Instructor
Camilo works with clients to help address individual needs by developing a plan that improves their overall health.
Christie Farrell
Pro Pilates Instructor
Christie is a multi-hyphenate who loves to help people feel their best in their body.
Nastasia Corey
Pro Pilates Instructor
*Can teach in German!
Nastasia blends her deep understanding of health with Pilates training, aerial arts, and a past as a competitive swimmer to offer a holistic fitness experience.
Alexandra Brewster
Pro Pilates Instructor
Chelsea and Gramercy
Alex’s workouts are fun, flowing, and challenging, and will almost always include a balance challenge!
Luna Kim
Pro Pilates Instructor
Chelsea and Gramercy
*Can teach in Korean!
Luna loves helping clients discover the benefits of Pilates, including building strength, creating full body alignment, managing pain and injury, and improving mental well-being.
Sarah Awad
Pro Pilates Instructor
Chelsea and Gramercy
Sarah loves to infuse a creative and playful perspective on the classical exercises that is both Pilates principle-focused and fun.
Alisa Ohri
Pro Pilates Instructor
Alisa knows that Pilates isn’t just a workout, it is a way of life!
Tomoko Yoshida
Pro Pilates Instructor
*Can teach in Japanese!
Tomoko loves how classical Pilates strengthens and uplifts her mind, body and spirit, and restores her confidence.
Niki Cheeves
Senior Pilates Instructor
Niki has worked extensively with severely injured clients, many with decades-long, chronic pain, who have benefited from the efficacy of Pilates for their physical therapy/rehabilitation.
Lynda Lippin
Master Pilates Instructor
Lynda understands what it's like to manage chronic pain, because she does it for herself, staying pain-free and very functional with Pilates.
Bombshell Admin Team
Evy Barnett
Events and Marketing Manager
Evy has a passion for community, fitness, and mindfulness.
Natalia Hackett
Front Desk Specialist
Natalia is often surrounded by her furry friends and is also exploring Pilates as a beginner.
Erica Moon
Front Desk Specialist
You can find Erica hitting running clubs, experimenting in the kitchen, painting, capturing life through her camera, or deep in a good show binge.